Good Leadership = Better Results
Good leadership is getting others to do what you want willingly and having them feel good about doing it.
It is the pivotal force behind successful organizations. It can move organizations from current to future states, create visions of potential opportunity, and instill within employees a commitment to change so as to make that new vision a reality.
This brief abstract will cover what the author feels from his experience are some of the most important things that contribute to good leadership from CEOs and business owners. They are things a lot of leaders don’t appreciate or comprehend. However, they are essential for good leadership. Some of the material was taken from Warren Bennis’s and Burt Nanus’s book,”Leaders”.
We will look at four specific areas:
Direction: establishing a vision
Communication: making sure it’s working
Positioning: your face and role
Positive self regard: knowing your strengths and weaknesses
Leaders should develop a vision for their business; to give the organization direction and purpose. This vision should articulate a view of a realistic, credible, attractive future for the business, a condition that is better in some important ways than what now exists. How else does the team know where it is going? The vision gives them the big picture and will help them with decision making. See the side button on the left, “Vision The Ultimate Goal” or click here for more details.
It’s been said that more than a third of the world’s problems are due to poor communication. It has detrimental effects on the business as well. What good is a vision if it is not communicated effectively? Most CEOs and business owners think they communicate well. Most don’t! Generally this is so, because they don’t communicate often enough. They think their people will get it after they have told them once or twice. It takes a lot more repetitions to truly have a message sink in. That’s what you want to happen with your vision and other important communication.
Most CEOs don’t share enough with their team. Sharing the good, the bad and the ugly is necessary to keep your team informed about the state of affairs in the business. They want to know this and usually respond in a positive way to being told.
Your words and actions need to convey the same message. This is a trait of a good leader. Some leaders think they can tell their people what and how to do something, but then not do it that way themselves. They are kidding themselves. Actions speak much louder than words. So positioning is doing the things you want your people to emulate. You need to be persistent and tenacious with your actions, directions, and communications. This way, your team will know for what you stand and can count on your support when they follow your lead. They will begin to trust you. Every good leader wants that. Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for the organization to excel.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you know them? Are you doing anything with them? Recognizing your strengths and compensating for your weaknesses represents the first step to positive self regard. If you are the technical guru for your business, but lack in business skills maybe you should consider bringing in a partner or COO to cover that critical area. If you are weak in finance, you could bring in a CFO full or part time to help you.
The second step is to keep working on and developing your talents. This means to work on both your strengths and weaknesses. Ray Kroc of McDonald’s fame had a favorite saying, “While you are green you are still growing, but when you get ripe you start to rot.” The same is true for us. If we stop learning and growing in our trade or expertise, shortly thereafter, we will become less effective. If you want your business to get better, the quickest way is for you to get better in your business skills and acumen.
Actions to take now:
If you don’t have a vision for your business you should develop one.
Set a date for your next companywide meeting and prepare an agenda.
Make a personal inventory of your strengths and weaknesses and decide what actions you are going to take to improve.